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Critical thinking is the essential ability for all students to be successful in the 21st century because of technological, societal, professional, and cultural changes influencing the global community and is an essential element in many of the University’s Strategic Goals for the 2014 Strategic Plan.

  • Numerous cross-curricular initiatives already underway at George Mason can be augmented to create a true university-wide Critical Thinking Initiative, including the Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum (CTAC) program.
  • Student learning outcomes focused on critical thinking should address interdisciplinary thinking as well as disciplinary thinking, and also focus on leadership and intelligence gained from the co-curriculum, including University Life, University Libraries, and Living Learning Community Initiatives.
  • Student success and improved academic challenge at Mason will require institutional commitment to assessment of critical thinking, with data collected from both students and faculty.

As you read, when you post, in conversations with others, consider the following questions…

  • What excites you about this topic/proposal? Could you see yourself getting involved?
  • How could your department or academic unit be involved in this?
  • How do you see this topic enhancing student learning?
  • Do you see this topic proposal as a way to push Mason forward? In what way(s)?
  • What else would you like to share with the committee about this topic?