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This QEP focuses on the belief that the success and competitiveness of Mason students in an increasingly global economy relies upon available opportunities for enhanced foreign language acquisition.

  • All students at Mason, regardless of degree program, will gain a competitive edge in the job market by obtaining increased language proficiency through better classroom instruction, variety of languages offered, and language immersion abroad.
  • Offering a wider variety of languages, and at higher levels of proficiency, would address the student body’s growing demand for global competency in both language and cultural awareness.

As you read, when you post, in conversations with others, consider the following questions…

  • What excites you about this topic/proposal? Could you see yourself getting involved?
  • How could your department or academic unit be involved in this?
  • How do you see this topic enhancing student learning?
  • Do you see this topic proposal as a way to push Mason forward? In what way(s)?
  • What else would you like to share with the committee about this topic?