Feed on

We thank the Mason community – students, faculty, staff, and alumni! – for helping us establish “Fostering a Culture of Student Scholarship and Creative Activity” as the focus of our QEP and for continuing to provide your feedback throughout the development process.  This blog, the QEP Café, has been reestablished to collect your input on the draft of the Students as Scholars QEP.

After reviewing the draft plan, please click on the links below to provide us with your feedback by Wednesday, November 10th.

  • Question A: Which of these activities and initiatives would you be most interested in? Why? Please tell us if you are answering from the perspective of a student, faculty member, or staff member.
  • Question B: Are there other opportunities to promote student scholarship that would be a nice addition to the Students as Scholars QEP or to OSCAR after it is established?
  • Question C: Do you have any significant questions about the Students as Scholars QEP? How can your questions be addressed?
  • Question D: Is there anything else that you would like to share about the Students as Scholars QEP?

Stay tuned to our website for more information about the SACS accreditation process and for ongoing updates.

Enjoy our café!

The QEP Planning Committee

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